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Horsetail powder

Herbal Powders

Product Information

Horsetail powder

Common Name

 Standardized: horsetail
Other: field horsetail, shavegrass, shavetail grass

Botanical Name

 Equisetum arvense L.

Plant Family: Equisetaceae

Horsetail has a recorded history going back to the Devonian period, almost 350 million years ago. The plant at that time was as tall as a modern palm tree. Horsetail, not to be confused with cat-tail, is possibly the most abundant source of silica in the plant kingdom, so much in fact that the herb can be used for polishing metal. It got the name "scouring rush" from this very application. It has had other uses during the ages including as an ingredient in shampoos, skincare products, and in dietary supplements.

Parts Used

The above-ground parts of the plant, dried, cut, and powdered.

Typical Preparations

Usually in tea, tinctures and encapsulations. Universally used in cosmetics.

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